Identity card of Leo Philips. Source: Wikimedia Commons Leo_Philips_3_ID_19-10-1941

A group of Jewish forced labourers from Groningen on their way to De Fledders (1942). Source: Historische Vereniging Norg

Local Dynamics and the Holocaust: International Seminar June 10 and 11, 2024

'The Holocaust in "the Provinces": Local Dynamics in the Nazi-Occupied Netherlands (1925 - 1950)

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We are happy to share that the new National Holocaust
“Local Dynamics and the Holocaust”  Utrecht University, The Netherlands  June

Welcome to the homepage of the research project 'The Holocaust in the  Provinces: Local Dynamics in the Nazi-Occupied Netherlands'. Beginning in February 2023, our project aims to gain more insight into the way local dynamics effected the course of the Holocaust, and vice versa.


In our project we turn away from the larger cities of Western Holland and focus on a selection of smaller towns and villages. Over a third of the approximately 104,000 deported Dutch Jews came from these smaller towns and villages. Despite a growing number of local studies, there is little systematic insight into the impact of local factors and actors on the persecution.


This research follows the international trend to view the persecution of Jews not only as a centrally led, but also as a locally embedded process. At the same time, this study transcends the local perspective by taking a comparative approach and by examining the impact of intermunicipal connections on local dynamics of persecution and aid.


More about the project here